Monstery Goodness

Published by: Atlas Staff
A few months ago, we resurrected and posted the Monster Factory article that appeared in Gaming Frontiers in 2002, which includes most of the monsters that didn't make it into the Nyambe: African Adventures campaign book. Now we're offering even more monstery goodness with the Monster Factory Extras download, which gives the specifics on the last four Nyamban monsters not included in the book: the zebra, sirenian, giant catfish, and hyena. Remember that Nyambe is the African analogue for our upcoming Northern Crown campaign setting, so these critters can be put to use right away in August when New World Adventures and the Gazetteer debut!

Also, I just put up an updated distributor list that includes our new Malaysian distributor, Imagine, and added the website of our Portuguese translator, Jambô to the Product Info page.

