Out of Print; Updates

Published by: Atlas Staff
This year began, like pretty much every other, with inventory taking and some warehouse work. Besides taking physical counts of our stock (and updating the out-of-print list accordingly), I also made decisions about clearing out some old, slow-moving products entirely, as we need to clear space in anticipation of the exciting new products of 2006.

Culling the Backlist

The following roleplaying titles are now out of print, discontinued, and gone for good.

Stock #/ISBN/Title/MSRP
AG0251 1-887801-57-X Parma Fabula: Storyguide Screen (ArM) 14.95
AG0256 1-887801-66-9 Return Of the Stormrider (ArM) 14.95
AG0264 1-887801-85-5 Triamore (ArM) 20.95
AG0502 1-56504-001-5 A Winter's Tale (ArM) 12.95
AG0802 1-9627790-3-2 Stormrider:Jump-Start Kit (ArM) 9.95
AG0811 1-56504-025-2 Deadly Legacy (ArM) 12.00
AG0902 1-56504-022-8 Mistridge (ArM) 12.00
AG3215 1-58978-022-1 Unhallowed Halls (Penumbra/D20) 16.95
AG3216 1-58978-026-4 Lean and Hungry (Penumbra/D20) 14.95
AG3403 1-58978-036-1 Last Hero in Scandinavia (Rune/D20) 19.95
AG3610 1-58978-005-1 Crouching Wizard, Smashing Hammer (Rune RPG) 4.99
AG3611 1-58978-015-9 Enter the Viking (Rune RPG) 16.95

Status Reports

Here are brief updates on all the products on our published schedule.

AG4014 Glimpse of the Abyss (ISBN 1-58978-073-6, $29.95), Feng Shui Sourcebook: Horribly, horribly late. We're still waiting for the former line editor to give us the working files (and we've been waiting more than a year, unfortunately). Until we have them, we don't even know how long it will take to finish the book. We've already paid the authors and artists, so we'd really like the book to be finished, but we just don't know when.

AG0279 The Mysteries Revised (ISBN 1-58978-076-0, $29.95), Ars Magica Sourcebook: Another project that got derailed. Rather than have it screw up the release of the subsequent books in the line, we decided to push this title back, in order to get Covenants done on time. Our plan is for The Mysteries Revised to release in April, along with Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults.

AG0280 Covenants (ISBN 1-58978-083-3, $29.95), Ars Magica Sourcebook: This book is now at press. The printer has given us an estimated delivery date of February 3rd.

AG1280 Grand Tribunal (ISBN 1-58978-084-1, $24.95), Board Game: This board game is now at press. We are manufacturing the game in Hong Kong, and this is our first time working with this particular supplier, so we're not sure how long the manufacturing and (the bigger unknown) shipping will take. We think we'll have printed samples at the GAMA Trade Show in March, but we're not sure when we'll actually have the games in our warehouse and ready to ship to distributors.

AG1290 Recess (ISBN 1-58978-085-X, $24.95), Board Game: This game is at press along with Grand Tribunal, so all the same comments apply to it.

AG0281 Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults (ISBN 1-58978-086-8), Ars Magica Sourcebook: So far, this book is going smoothly and looks to be on track for release in April.

