Over the Edge System Going OGL

Published by: Atlas Staff
Atlas Games is pleased to announce that work is in progress to release the Over the Edge RPG's rules system under the Open Game License this year. Its official name will be the WaRP System (Wanton Role-Playing System), and a new WaRP logo will be released along with it under the OGL (without a special trademark license).

This year is the 20th anniversary of Over the Edge, and fans have noticed. We've received several inquiries just in the last month from parties interested in publishing content using Over the Edge's rules. The release of the WaRP System is just part of our year-long celebration of the Over the Edge RPG, which also includes the release of the limited edition deluxe 2nd Edition core book, for which we're taking advance reservations now.

We know that Over the Edge fans and independent game designers alike will be as excited about the WaRP System as we are.

To see the latest info on the WaRP system, visit www.atlas-games.com/warp

