Pieces of Eight Unplugged

Published by: Atlas Staff
GamerDad Unplugged features young Aiden's account of Gen Con SoCal, where he came across Pieces of Eight. Aiden says, "The next booth I went to was Pieces of Eight. To play you use coins. The coins pictures that let you do different pirate like things. The cool thing is there is no table needed. I got to play it. I bought the whole game. It was fun." Read more about Aiden's day at www.gamerdad.com

Also, Shannon Applecline has a new Pieces of Eight review up on RPG.net. He says that the coins have "a great weight and are entirely cool to hold, particularly when you have a handful of them--as you do for this game." He gives it a 4 for Style: "Classy & Well Done." Read the entire review.

