Playmats and Previews

Published by: Atlas Staff
For your downloading enjoyment, I've just put up PDF versions of the playmats we use at our convention booth demo tables. We kept having retailers ask us about them at GAMA Trade Show, so we've finally given in and uploaded the playmats for Gloom, Beer Money, Lunch Money, Once Upon a Time, Dungeoneer, and Cthulhu 500. Just write the PDFs to a disk, take them to your local copy center to be printed and laminated, and your demos will look just like the ones we do at GenCon and Origins. They're available on the Retailer Portal page.

Also, I just put up a preview of the new cover for the upcoming reprint of Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord. It'll be available in May, at the same time as Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert. Enjoy!

