Stumping for Storium

Published by: Atlas Staff
If there's anything like a guiding philosophy here at Atlas Games, it's "Tell More Stories". In fact, it's virtually impossible to play an Atlas game without talking, and most of them get better the more into storytelling the players are.
So we're delighted to see the new online game-playing platform Storium enjoying success on Kickstarter. Storium is designed to give players interactive tools to create exciting, collaborative stories--it's like a digital tabletop, around which your gaming group can enjoy roleplaying games in an engaging setting. It also supports both real-time and asynchronous online play, a flexibility that combines the best of MMO/MU* and PBP/PBEM traditions.
Storium can boast some excellent folks on the project, including Will Hindmarch, who wrote for Feng Shui and our Penumbra d20 line. A lot of big-name authors are contributing stretch goal worlds, too: Delilah S. Dawson, Chuck Wendig, Saladin Ahmed, Kenneth Hite, and Mur Lafferty, just to mention a few. And Atlas' own Cam and Jess Banks have played in beta versions of the site; they'll extol its virtues to anyone who'll listen.
There will always be a way to play for free on Storium, but Kickstarter backers get access to the beta site and options to play in more games. The success of the crowdfunding campaign will also help unlock more worlds for players to explore, so now's a great time to join this great new storytelling platform!

