Top Ten Lists

Published by: Atlas Staff
It's a new year, and that means it's time to take a quick look back at 2005. As I have for the past few years, I'm presenting to all and sundry two lists of our best-sellers for the year just past. The first list is ranked by units of sales; the second by gross receipts (in other words, a more expensive game or book may rank higher than a less expensive one that sold more copies). An asterisk indicates a title that was newly released in 2005 -- since most titles have their strongest sales within a few months after release, the ones that make it to these lists without the asterisks are especially impressive in terms of evergreen sales (and, if you happen to be a buyer for a store or a wholesaler, they are the games you especially want to make sure you keep in stock).

Without further ado...

Top Ten Atlas Games Titles of 2005, by Unit Sales
1. Gloom*
2. Lunch Money
3. Once Upon A Time
4. Gloom: Unhappy Homes*
5. Lunch Money: Sticks & Stones
6. Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert*
7. Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord
8. Beer Money
9. Once Upon A Time: Dark Tales
10. Let's Kill 2nd Edition*

Top Ten Atlas Games Titles of 2005, by Dollar Sales
1. Gloom*
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Lunch Money
4. Ars Magica 5th Edition
5. Gloom: Unhappy Homes*
6. Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert*
7. Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord
8. Beer Money
9. Let's Kill 2nd Edition*
10. Houses of Hermes: True Lineages*

