Updates from the Warehouse

Published by: Atlas Staff
Boy, it's been busy. Pieces of Eight has shipped successfully, and now I'm trying to catch up on a whole lot of things -- like several weeks of unanswered e-mails. (Apologies if you've been waiting for a reply, but I hope I'll get back to you soon.)

I just sent around an update to distributors, which included a few points of information that others may care about:

Gloom Sold Out: The last of our supply of Gloom (AG1250) shipped with the new releases of Pieces of Eight. We are considering a couple of possible new suppliers for the game, either in the USA or in Europe. We don't yet know when we'll be able to have the game back in stock, but when we do we will also have a new expansion set, entitled Unwelcome Guests (AG1253), and we may also have a reprint of the first expansion, Unhappy Homes (AG1252).

Lunch Money Running Low: Our supply of Lunch Money (AG1100) is probably enough to last about a month to six weeks at the normal rate of sales. We have ordered a reprint for delivery in November. Thus, there may be a short out of stock period before the reprint arrives, but we should have an ample supply in time for the Christmas season. For consumers, you probably won't notice the out-of-stock period, since many stores and distributors will still have the game on their shelves during the window between when we sell out and when our reprint arrives.

Weep Now Out of Print: The Unknown Armies adventure collection Weep (AG6006, ISBN 1-58978-000-0) has sold out and is now out of print. We do not plan to reprint this book. It is not yet available as a PDF, but making it so is on my "to-do" list.

For the moment, my to-do list is topped by taking care of some customer service issues and unanswered e-mails (thanks for your patience if you're one of the folks waiting), and then getting a weekend...this is my twelfth consecutive day in the office (though I was happily able to get half the day off yesterday), and I'm really looking forward to getting out of here for a break!

