Web Updates and Warmer Climes

Published by: Atlas Staff
John and I will be in Las Vegas for most of next week, at the GAMA Trade Show. So if you try to get in touch with us and we don't get back to you right away, you'll know it's because we're sitting in the sunshine by the pool at the Riviera. ;)

This week has been a mad dash to get everything ready for the trade show. That means lots of new promotional material, which you now get to reap the benefits from ... I just put up the new Northern Crown page, including a PDF map of the campaign's setting, a link to the designer's web page, and info on the setting itself. We'll have more promos and such in the next few months leading up to its release, but this'll get you started!

I'm also happy to announce that Guardians of the Forest: The Rhine Tribunal and Houses of Hermes: True Lineages are now available for pre-order at Warehouse 23. They should be back from the printer by the end of April.

