Week 7's Winners at GenConHistory.com

Published by: Atlas Staff
Congratulations to our new winners at www.GenConHistory.com , who received FREE 4-day badges to Gen Con Indy! They include ...

Genconjunkie for his story about luring a friend into talking to a mannequin ...

ValentineW for her experience in the Klingon Jail 'N Bail ...

Artoo716 for his first Gen Con experience ...

Anastasia Becker for her costume photo and Michael Dockery for his Minis photo ...


Think you can do as well? There's still time! Four new topics were posted today ...

Best RPG Story - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best story or experience during a Role Playing Game at Gen Con.

Best Miniatures or Wargame Story- Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best story or experience during a Miniatures Battle or Wargame at Gen Con.

Album: Board Game - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best photo during a Board Game at Gen Con.

Album: Alternate US Gen Con - Due Noon, Feb 26, 2007
Submit your best photo while at Gen Con East, Gen Con South, or Gen Con SoCal.


And there's still one week left to post submissions for these topics ...

Best Costume Story - Due Noon, Feb 19, 2007
Submit your best story or experience involving Costumes at Gen Con.

Best Seminar Story - Due Noon, Feb 19, 2007
Submit your best story or experience in a Seminar at Gen Con.

Album: LARP - Due Noon, Feb 19, 2007
Submit your best photo while Live Action Role Playing at Gen Con.

Album: CCG/Card Game - Due Noon, Feb 19, 2007
Submit your best photo while playing a CCG or Card Game at Gen Con.


This week we've made a slight change to voting ... only registered users will be able vote from now on, due to the non-unique block voting that appeared in several entries recently. We've also decided that anyone who benefits significantly from such voting will have all of his or her entries disqualified from that topic. We hope that this will keep the promotion fair to everyone who enters.

