Week Four at GenConHistory.com

Published by: Atlas Staff
Congratulations to our new winners! They include ...

Jeff harkness for his story of gaming in the back seat of an old Astro van on the way to Gen Con.

Tandora with the tale of a proposal of marriage at Gen Con.

Erica King for her photo of the old MECCA arena.


Think you can do as well? There's still time! Four new topics were posted today ...

Celeb at Gen Con - Due Noon, Feb 5, 2007
Submit your best photo with your close encounter with a real, live celebrity at Gen Con.

Gaming Luminary at Gen Con - Due Noon, Feb 5, 2007
Submit your best photo of your close encounter with the Gaming Industry elite (aka author, artist, publisher) at Gen Con.

Best Parkside Story - Due Noon, Feb 5, 2007
Submit your best story about when Gen Con was hosted at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside from 1978 to 1984.

Best LARP Story - Due Noon, Feb 5, 2007
Submit your best story or experience while Live Action Role Playing at Gen Con.


And there's still one week left to post submissions for these topics ...

Lake Geneva/Horticultural Hall PHOTOS - Due Noon, Jan 29, 2007Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted Lake Geneva/Horticultural Hall from 1967 to 1976.

Playboy Resort PHOTOS- Due Noon, Jan 29, 2007
Submit your best photo from when Gen Con was hosted at the Playboy Resort in 1977.

Best Brush With Fame STORY - Due Noon, Jan 29, 2007
Submit your best story about your close encounter with a real, live celebrity at Gen Con.

Best Lake Geneva STORY - Due Noon, Jan 29, 2007
Submit your best story about when Gen Con was hosted in Lake Geneva, WI from 1967 to 1977.

