The Broken Covenant of Calebais

Where danger lurks even yet

The Broken Covenant of Calebais at a Glance

  • Own a piece of Ars Magica history with this digitized reissue of the first adventure for first edition.
  • Investigate the inexplicable fall of the potent covenant of Calebais and solve this years-long mystery.
  • With bestial creatures, fascinating prizes, and riddles galore, this adventure will keep everyone at the table invested.

A Mysterious, Mad Force: More about The Broken Covenant of Calebais

The Bell of Ibyn never tolled, and so the covenant fell. The wondrous bell warned the magi of all dangers, or so the wizards of Calebais thought. But fifty long years ago some dark force destroyed their beautiful covenant, and its opulent halls have remained untouched ever since. Until now. Into your hands has fallen a document that hints at how to pierce the protective Veil of Riddles, and you have an opportunity denied to all wizards before you: to explore the covenant of Calebais, to loot its treasures, and to solve its mysteries. But how did Calebais fall, and does the danger lurk there even yet?

For the adventurous, there wait bestial creatures, deadly traps, and fascinating prizes.

For the thoughtful, there wait riddles, mysteries, and tales yet untold.

For the slow of mind or body, there waits failure, or death.

Take a stroll down memory lane with this digitized (scanned and OCR'd) reissue of the first edition of The Broken Covenant of Calebais. This was the first Ars Magica adventure published by Lion Rampant, and requires Ars Magica 1st Edition to play. The Broken Covenant of Calebais is out of print, but a version of this adventure updated to 5th Edition is available here.

In this stirring adventure, the players will visit the fallen covenant of Calebais. No one has ever been able to explain why such a powerful institution fell. It is up to your troupe to pierce the Veil of Riddles and solve the mystery!

The Broken Covenant of Calebais: Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Knight Errant
  • The Veil of Mormool
  • The Ruins of Calebais
  • The Treasure

Vital Stats

Authors: Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen
MSRP: $6.00 (PDF)
Atlas Stock #: AG0800
Format: 50 pages, 8.5” x 11”, PDF
Release Date: January 2016 (original publication 1990)