Ren Faire is 40% Off Through September 30

Published by: Amelia Rengo

Although most Renaissance Faires aren't happening in 2020, you can still bring the excitement to your table — minus the jousting and roast turkey legs. During the month of September, we're offering the card game Ren Faire at 40% off with code PANTALOONS.


In Ren Faire, you play characters who want to have the best historically-accurate costume at the Faire -- but lack the funds to do it. Earn coins by completing challenges, then buy choice items for your own costume. Thwart your opponents by playing clashing garment items on them. Short pantaloons AND a sequined halter top? Egad! Stackable transparent costume cards let you see your character’s outfit (and your points too).

Ren Faire plays 2-4 people, ages 13+, in about an hour. Learn more about Ren Faire and order your copy today. Hip, hip, huzzah!

