Gloom Now Made of RECYCLED Plastic!

Published by: Audrey DeLuca

It’s a tough thing to publish a game using environmentally sensitive materials when, like Gloom, that game features transparent plastic cards. We’ve taken that as a challenge, though, and are pleased about the imminent arrival of the new printing of Gloom 2nd Edition, which is now made from post-consumer recycled PET!

Pre-order the RECYCLED Gloom reprint NOW!

Gloom2ndEdition CardFan

In the past, Gloom’s cards were made of virgin PVC. We’ve been working with our printer on a switch for the last year and a half, testing different formulations of post-consumer recycled PET to be sure we’re able to maintain quality. We’re incredibly pleased to announce that the new printing features cards made of 50% post-consumer recycled PET. This RPET material is also less environmentally harmful in its manufacturing, use, and recycling than PVC.

Michelle Nephew, Co-Owner of Atlas Games, comments, “It’s a new material for our printer that they investigated at our request. It’s an incredible step, showing our industry that it IS possible to use recycled materials in commercial manufacturing!”

Gloom 2nd 3D THUMB

We’ve also continued to use recycled paper content in the new printing. The box has a 100% recycled chipboard core and 70% recycled white backing. The paper insert is 70-90% recycled content, and the rules sheet is 50% recycled paper. We also maintain our general policy of avoiding disposable plastic wrap, by substituting a paper band around the decks and using sticker tabs to seal the box.

It all adds up, and we hope our industry peers, retailers, and customers think that’s as important as we do!

Get your copy of the RECYCLED Gloom reprint NOW!

Visit our LIVE Kickstarter, featuring the new Gloom puzzle gamebook!

