Feng Shui 2

The action movie roleplaying game

Feng Shui 2

Feng Shui 2 at a Glance

  • The only book you need to play this fast-paced action movie RPG.
  • Updates from the first edition include an expanded setting and simplified character creation system.
  • Use this core game with Feng Shui 2 expansions, or use the Conversion Codex to update your first edition materials.
Leap off buildings, sword-fight across treetops, pry artifacts from deathtrap-laden temples, have running gun-battles through the Underworld in a desperate race to keep history itself from being rewritten.
– John Rogers (Leverage, The Librarians), from the foreword


What is Feng Shui 2?

Feng Shui 2 is a game of Hong Kong film-inspired cinematic action! If you've ever wanted to leap from a burning building to chase the bad guys down the street with a mystical samurai sword, this is the game for you.

In Feng Shui 2, the characters travel through time portals to four different key points in history — the Tang Dynasty, the Opium Wars era, contemporary Hong Kong, and the post-apocalyptic future. Each location brings new challenges and plenty of big bosses to take down.

Step into a familiar action movie archetype, strap on your weapons, and prepare to fight!

Listen, Grasshopper: Gameplay Basics

Feng Shui 2 uses an archetype character system to get you playing quickly. With 36 options to choose from, you're sure to find your action hero of choice. Be a highway ronin or a maverick cop, a ghost bent on revenge or a cyborg just trying to save their family…and there's plenty more to choose from!

To do things in Feng Shui 2, simply roll 1d6–1d6 and add the result to your attribute or skill. Sixes explode and mean something extreme is going to happen. A result under 0 is a Way Awful Failure. Your hero will need persistence, skill, and flashy moves to take down big bosses and their underlings.

This second edition book contains everything you need to play. Check out the full line of Feng Shui 2 products for more high-flying, bad-guy-busting action.

FS2 Images


  • 2016 gold ENnie for Best Rules.
  • 2016 gold ENnie for Best Setting.
  • 2016 silver ENnie for Best Game.
  • 2016 ENnie nominee for Product of the Year.

Vital Stats

Designer and Author: Robin D. Laws
Developer: Cam Banks
Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold
Cover Artist: Conceptopolis
Interior Artists: Jason Behnke, Victor Corbella, Leanna Crossan, Álvaro Calvo Escudero, Josef Benjamin Eugenio, Felipe Gaona, Mikhail Greuli, Heather Hudson, Matthew G. Lewis, Britt Martin, Mirco Paganessi, Steve Palenica, Alex Pascenko, André Rogers, Michael Shinde, Christian N. St. Pierre, Bryan Syme, Sedone Thongvilay, and Carlos Villa
MSRP: $49.95 (print), $19.95 (digital)
Atlas Stock #: AG4020
Barcode: 978-1-58978-153-8
Format: Full-color, 352-page hardcover and PDF
Release Date: May 2015 (digital), September 2015 (print)