Elevator to the Netherworld

The Inner Kingdom sourcebook

Elevator to the Netherworld at a Glance

  • Take a trip through the dangerously weird Netherworld with the help of this Feng Shui first edition sourcebook.
  • Not only is the Netherworld the key to time travel, but it's full of four levels of wonky, powerful, and crazy stuff to fight, find, and befriend.
  • This book makes the GM's job easy with handy maps and drop in locations to make for a game session that's as big or as small as you like.

Take a Tour of the Inner Kingdom: More about Elevator to the Netherworld

Going down? This elevator isn't going to take you to sporting goods or ladies' wear. But the Netherworld is more than just a portal to other times. Its four levels contain their own secrets, and we're not talking about a food court. Travel the Inner Kingdoms of the Netherworld and learn its secrets with this Feng Shui first edition sourcebook.

Travel the deeps of the Netherworld where time moves in crooked lines and psychopaths from the future patrol with guns the size of totem poles. It's a dangerous place. Four deposed sorcerers plot endless machinations, and anywhere in the Inner Kingdom can turn into a free-fire zone without warning.

Make your next Netherworld excursion a little easier with this travel guide. Print out the handy maps for navigation. Each location includes a description, denizens, and suggestions on cool things that might happen there to juice your think box.

Elevator to the Netherworld is out of print. It requires Feng Shui first edition to play.

Elevator to the Netherworld: Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Four Monarchs
  • Secret Battlefields
  • The Rest of the Netherworld

Vital Stats

Editor: Greg Stolze
Cover Artist: Heather Hudson
MSRP: $19.95 (softcover, out of print), $14.95 (PDF)
Atlas Stock #: AG4003
Barcode: 1-887801-83-9
Format: 128 pages, 8.5” x 11”, perfect bound
Release Date: 2000